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A Lifestyle Community in Apison
2,500 - 3,700 sqft
From the high $500's
Luxury Living in Apison
2,000 to 3,900
From the high $400's
A Lifestyle Community
1,691 to 3,000 sqft
From the mid $300's
Your Perfect "Home Base"
1,700 - 3,000 sqft
From the upper $300's
Single-Level Townhomes in East Brainerd
1,500 - 1,800 sqft
Price Reveal at VIP Event
A Designer Home Community
1800-2500 sqft
From the upper $300's
Perfectly Positioned for a Quicker Commute
1,900-3,500 sqft
From the mid $400's
Near Creekside at Hampton Meadows
1,700 - 3,400 sqft
From the upper $300's
The Quiet Side of Signal
2,150 - 3,700 sqft
Starting in the upper 500's
Lakeside Living in Soddy Daisy
1,700 - 3,000 sqft
From the mid $400's